Vanilla Crème Brûlée

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Vanilla Crème Brûlée
- 5oz full-fat coconut milk
- ⅓ cup water
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 1 ½ tablespoon egg replacer powder
- 1 ½ tablespoon organic Cornstarch
- ½ vanilla bean caviar
This is what you scrape from the inside of the Vanilla Bean
- ½ teaspoon nutritional yeast
- A pinch of salt
- Extra sugar
This is for the Brûlée-ing/Caramelizing on top

1. Preheat oven to 325ºF.
2. Place all ingredients into a blender and puree for at least 30 seconds, making sure there are no powdery chunks in the liquid.
3. Pour the mixture into a small sauce pan, over low heat (or medium-low if you have an electric stove) and bring to a simmer.
4. Whisk the mixture continually until it thickens, without becoming chunky. Test this by seeing if a thick layer will stick to a spoon or finger. It is crucial that it reaches a hot enough temperature or else it will not set properly.
5. Get a casserole dish ready, along with either 4-2 oz. ramekins or 2-4 oz. ramekins. Place the ramekins in the casserole dish and fill it with water until it is half-way up the ramekins.
6. Carefully pour the creme mixture into each ramekin, and transfer the dish to the oven, making sure not to splash the water.
7. Bake for 25-35 minutes, depending on which dish size you chose. The bigger the dish, the longer the baking time.
8. Once the ramekins are cool enough to touch, place them on a cooling rack and into the fridge for 1-2 hours.
9. When you want to serve them, sprinkle roughly 1-2 tsp. (depending on how wide your dish is) of sugar on top of the Crème Brûlée. Using a culinary torch or broiler, melt the sugar until it reaches a light brown/orange color, or more if you like it burnt.

Suggestion - if you are having difficulties melting the sugar, put it into a dry blender and make it finer, so that it melts more easily. Once it's caramelized, serve immediately or up to 10 minutes later.